Database of Human Skeletal Remains

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This database contains information on human skeletal remains uncovered during archeological excavations in the Moravian and Silesian region. Human skeletal remains from this region are stored in depositories of many institutions and the database provides a basic overview of their current deposition and preservation status. The database should be of service to any researcher addressing this topic in their work (anthropologists, archeologists etc.) as well as to any person interested. Basic information on the location of the human skeletal remains discovery is included (district, cadaster, site, culture, year of archeological research), place of their current deposition (institution, contact – responsible person in given institution, identification number) and information on their current deposition and conservation and treatment status. The users have the possibility to search according to a wide variety of parameters – see Search. In case of problems with searching the database there is Help available or the user can contact the database administrator.

There are 14377 individuals from 697 localities in the database.

© Ústav antropologie Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity v Brně 2008 - 2009, technické řešení Adamna NET